The Project
George Leslie Ltd, a specialist in civil project, were engaged to build the new ferry harbour dock and terminal building in Brodick on the Isle of Arran as part of the islands infrastructure upgrade works. Specialising in elements below ground level generally, they needed someone who knew what they were doing above ground, so we got the call.
Designed to mimic the hull of a ferry the new terminal building adds a striking mark on the island landscape especially with the prominent red sandstone façade and sunken window reveals.
Some special features of the design were the carved stone logo of the building owners and the double skin SFS façade that actually allows the façade to return back into the building and form some of the internal walls whilst maintaining the require thermal and weathering requirements – a design that went on to win several awards in the light steel framing sector.
Completed in early 2018 the project has since gone on to win the 2018 UK Port Awards Infrastructure Project of the Year and was a finalist in the 2019 Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RAIS) RICS Infrastructure category.